Keep in touch with your pipeline.

Aristotle is a relationship-nurturing platform that helps small teams monitor their leads’ online activity and trigger personalized outreach at just the right time.

backed by


  • You spend a ton of money acquiring leads at the top of the funnel.

  • You lose over 50% of them in the middle.

  • You know that these leads still hold unrealized revenue.

  • But you can’t monitor and maintain personal contact with all of them.

  • So, you put them into a passive drip campaign or newsletter. And hope they reactivate.

What if you could personally ping all your leads at just the right moment? And automatically nudge them down your sales funnel?

All while freeing you up to focus on active deals.


  • Traditional outreach strategies are becoming less effective.

  • Email providers are adopting stringent new spam policies.

  • Top-of-the-funnel leads are becoming increasingly precious.


Forget manual research. Actively gather data from 13+ sources to comprehensively monitor your leads, their company and their industry. 


Get your timing right. Select from 17+ signals to identify the perfect opportunity to initiate your outreach. Or even build your own signal.


Do not sound like spam. Automate personalized outreach while taking into account your previous interactions with the leads.


1. Share your leads

Send us your stalled leads directly, or we can fetch them from your CRM.

2. Connect Your Mailbox

This gives us the context of previous interactions with these leads.

3. Approve your outreach

You receive a daily list of outreach opportunities with corresponding draft emails ready for sending.


Phani Kethana

Marketing Manager


Nathaniel Houghton

Founding Partner

Incendium Strategies

Anthony Cicconi

Account Director 

Incendium Strategies


To forget is human; to follow up, divine.


We conceptualized Aristotle while working as EIRs at HustleFund.


Co-Founder & CEO

Hesh previously built a leading digital health company in his home country that was backed by Techstars. You can find him hatching a political renaissance in his spare time!


Co-Founder & CTO

Duli previously built a product that helps 50,000 authors write best-selling books on Amazon. He lives as a digital nomad, integrating into different esoteric cultures every quarter.

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